An Update

There have been a lot of changes going on for me in the past few months. Without going onto a lot of details that I would rather not share, I’ve changed a lot in my personal and online life and I’ve taken on some new interests and possible changes in my future.

This blog has been running in one form or another for many years and I don’t want to get rid of it but it will be mainly focused on things that interest in me in the Usenet world.

My new blog is and it will be my new general-interest blog but also focused on my other upcoming interests that I’m not going to share here as much.

This blog is being moved to

By the way, why did I start hosting my own wordpress server again when I have an account on Because sucks. You can no longer create new blogs without a paid account. For the same cost of a paid account, I was able to buy a VPS server and have total control of everything and have plenty of resources left over to restart my usenet server, gemini server, and other services.

Distrobox is Awesome

What is Distrobox?

Distrobox is a project that I learned about a few months ago from Fedora magazine.

Distrobox is a piece of software that will allow you to run containerized terminal and graphical-based applications from many Linux distributions on many other Linux distributions.

For example:

  • You can run applications from Arch’s AUR on openSUSE.
  • You can run applications from .deb files that are only available for Ubuntu on Fedora.
  • You can run applications from an old version of Debian on a current Manjaro system without fighting with dependency hell.
  • You can even run entire desktop environments on operating systems that never supported them.

Because the applications are running in containers, they do not interact with the base system’s package management system.

How have I been using Distrobox?

When I started using Distrobox, I started wondering what are the limits of what I could do with this system? I was able to install my favorite Usenet newsreader, Knode from Debian 8, and openSUSE on whatever system I wanted. It opened whole new doors for experimenting with software that may be long forgotten.

Could I run a simple windows manager like i3, Sway, or IceWM in Distrobox? It took some trial and error, but yes I could.

Now, with that said, we are working with containers. When you run an application in Distrobox, it mainly sees your actual home directory. Outside of your home directory, it sees the container’s filesystem. If you save something to your home directory, it gets saved to your real home directory and you can open it up like you could normally. If you save something to /usr/local/ or any other directory outside of your home directory, it will only be saved in the container and not to your actual base filesystem.

Let’s take that one step further. Let’s say I MATE as my base openSUSE desktop environment and I have 3 containers with other desktop environments. I have an Arch Distrobox container with i3, I have a Fedora Distrobox container with XFCE, and I have a Debian Distrobox container with IceWM. I can run applications from any of these containers on the base openSUSE MATE installation. However, I can’t run applications from Fedora on Debian or from Debian on Arch, etc. That’s the limitation with running these containers.

How do I run Windows Managers and Desktop Environments?

As I said earlier, this took a fair amount of trial and error to get this right, and I’m sure there are lots of things that could make this easier.

For instruction on actually installing Distrobox, check out the installation instruction page. This will vary depending on your Linux distro.

Let’s begin by installing the IceWM window manager in a Distrobox container. We’ll start with an Ubuntu container:

Create and enter the container:

distrobox-create ubuntu --image
distrobox-enter ubuntu

Now that we’re in our new Ubuntu container, let’s install IceWM. This where things start getting difficult. Even if you’re a pro at installing packages in Ubuntu or Debian, it can be really difficult to understand what exactly you need to install. My suggestion is to start with the wiki for your distro of choice for the window manager to desktop environment that you’re trying to install.

According to the Ubuntu Wiki for IceWM, we need to install package for the base installation:

sudo apt-get install icewm

This will take some time to complete depending on your hardware.

Next, we need to see how to start IceWM. Part of the IceWM installation is the creation of /usr/share/xsessions/icewm-session.desktop. This is what tells your display manager how to start IceWM. Inside of this file is a line that says:


This is the command that we will need to start IceWM. Let’s copy that file to our home directory and then use it again in a minute:

cp /usr/share/xsessions/icewm-session.desktop ~/

We can exit out of the container for now and work in the base OS:


The way we run applications from inside of the container in our base OS is with the distrobox-enter command:

/usr/bin/distrobox-enter -T -n [container] -- "[app]"

This command would run the [app] application from the [container]. However, you can’t use this command in a desktop file like the icewm-session.desktop files that we saved earlier, so we need to make one more step to create a bash script to do this for is:

xhost +SI:localuser:$USER
/usr/bin/distrobox-enter -T -n ubuntu -- "icewm-session"

xhost +SI:localuser:$USER will allow graphical applications to be run from containers only for the current user. Without this, the icewm-session application could not start.

Save that in /usr/local/bin or some other location in your path and make it executable with chmod.

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/icewm

In the icewm-session.desktop file that we saved earlier, we can change Exec=/usr/bin/icewm-session to Exec=/usr/local/bin/icewm and then save it to the /usr/share/xsessions on our base OS:

sudo cp ~/icewm-session.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/icewm-session.desktop

Now when log out, you should see IceWM as an option in your display manager. When you log in with it, you will be in the Ubuntu container. Even if you are not running Ubuntu as your base OS, you will be like you did.


Distrobox is an amazing tool and I plan on using it as much as I can.

IceWM is probably not many people’s desktop of choice, but it is small, light on resources, and easy to get going. Take this as a sample of how you can use Distrobox to be so much more than just running applications. You can try our whole new Linux distros without fussing with VMs or changing your current distro.

The Wonders of Modern Life

Last Friday, my wife and I packed up our car and drove 9.5 hours south from Prague, Czech Republic through Austria and Slovenia to a small coastal town in Croatian on the Adriatic sea. We used the Waze app on my Android phone for guidance all the way there. We stayed in an Airbnb that I found online. On the way to Croatia, we stopped outside Saltzburg, Austria for lunch. Just outside of Ljubliana, Slovenia, we topped up on diesel and had a drink and a short break.

On Saturday, we drove 90 minutes to Trieste, Italy. Except for a small problem where I put the wrong address into the Waze app, we drove to the Miramare castle parking lot through the narrow Italian streets in my big (by Italian standards) SUV. Afterward, we looked for a shopping center in Trieste where we could buy some wine and gifts for family and friends back in Prague. I found one on Google and we were there 15 minutes later.

On Sunday, we went to the Roman coliseum in Pula, Croatia. Pula is about 90 minutes away in the opposite direction from Trieste. It seemed to be a popular tourist location even on a major holiday. Parking was a bit rough but not unbearable. In truth, understanding how to use the parking meter was the only time where we had much of a problem concerning language on the entire trip.

I am blessed and privileged to fluently speak the language that is the lingua franca of much of the world today. Yet for all of my adventures on this short vacation, I can say if I didn’t speak English, but still had a relatively good understanding of technology, the difficulty level of this trip would not have been substantially greater. This is a great wonder of modern life. In previous decades or centuries, journeys like this would be rare and would require much more bravery. This was true even 50 years ago with a car.

This freedom to travel far and wide is made possible by technological innovation. I used an app on my smartphone to provide reliable verbal directions to a small village that I had never heard of before. I used a website on my computer to find an apartment for rent which I paid for online. I used a search engine on my phone to get a conversion rate on my money. I used ATMs from banks I never heard of to get Euros and Croatian Kuna that were programmed in 4 to 5 different languages. These are all things that have never been possible in the past.

We live in amazing times. If we ever lost all of this, it would be a tragedy and because of that, I don’t want to take it for granted. We can’t assume that this progress will still be here tomorrow or next year. It can be taken away. We can regress.

Why Stack Exchange is Broken (and Reddit too)

I’m going to begin this rant by saying that there are some things that that the Stack Exchange network is really good with: mainly, programming help.

However, it really sucks when it comes to providing help with a specific application where there is already a community. For the past year, I have been the #1 person to answer questions on I’m not saying that to pat myself on the back; just to say that I have actually been doing this for a little while. However, I feel that many, if not most, of the questions should never have been there. Here’s what I mean:

  1. Nobody googles anything for themselves anymore. A huge number of questions have been answered time and time again and can be found by just searching.
  2. Nobody reads documentation or man pages.
  3. There are better places to ask the questions.

While #1 and #2 are annoying, it’s #3 that I want to focus on. For example, we get a lot of questions about running Tor relays. Many times, I will copy and paste from the documentation and answer their question. However that question should never have been there at all. It should have been posted to the tor-relays mailing list. That way more people who actually run relays can answer and give better insight. Also other newbies to the list can learn also and the person asking the question can actually be a part of the community.

When it comes to subreddits that are based on a specific application like Tor, take my 3 examples and multiple it by 1000x because it is a continual cycle of the same crap week after week. I had to leave before I flamed someone for asking the same stupid question for the 9th time in a row. I miss good netiquette.


From news.groups.newgroups:

This is an official communication from the Big-8 Management Board. Please note that followups are set to news.groups.

After a careful review of the Big 8 Management Board’s activity and process, all remaining members of the Big 8 Management Board opted not to consider re-election and instead have voted to install two new volunteers as the new members of the Big 8 Management Board. These two volunteers are:

Tristan Miller Jason Evans

We believe these volunteers have the technical and social skills necessary to maintain the Big-8. Please give them your support while they develop their vision for the future mission and goals of the Big 8 Board.

Kathy Morgan, Chairperson Emeritus Bill Horne, former Chairperson

Thoughts on LBRY

At the behest of people like Bryan Lunduke and DTLive on YouTube, I have started using LBRY more and last night I even uploaded a few test videos of my own. I would eventually like to put up some of my own tutorial videos.

With that said, LBRY has some serious issues. So, let’s be frank. LBRY has no rules against hardcore porn or if they do, they are not enforced. That’s fine, and I don’t care. It’s not hard to find porn on YouTube also. However if a porn channel doesn’t flag their own content as mature, then it will be in your search results and there’s no way right now to flag it yourself. The suggestions that I got in the help forum (aka the discord server) was to report it to the #report-spam room which I did. Will that result in these channels being told to reflag their content? Who knows. It seems a little iffy.

I realize that this is a startup and there is only so much time and energy to put into such things for a small team. I am rooting for them to make LBRY a great alternative to YouTube.

Communities in the top 20

Distribution Forum Wiki Community Membership Bug Reporting Mailing List Chat
MX Linux Yes Technical Only No No Yes No No
Manjaro Yes Yes No No Forum Only Yes Yes
Mint Yes No Yes No Upstream or Github No IRC
elementary Stack Exchange No No No Yes No Slack
Ubuntu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IRC
Debian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IRC
Fedora Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IRC
Solus Yes No Yes No Yes No IRC
openSUSE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IRC
Zorin Yes No No No Forum Only No No
deepin Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No
KDE neon Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes IRC
CentOS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes IRC
ReactOS* Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Webchat
Arch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ArcoLinux Yes No No No No No Discord
Parrot Yes Debian Wiki No No Forum Only No IRC/Telegram
Kali Yes No Yes No Yes No IRC
PCLinuxOS Yes No No No Forum Only No IRC
Lite Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No

*All are Linux distributions except ReactOS

Column descriptions:

  • Distribution: Name of the distro
  • Forum: Is there a support message board?
  • Wiki: Is there a user-editable wiki?
  • Community: Are there any links where I can directly contribute to the project?
  • Membership: Can I become a voting member of the community?
  • Bug Reporting: Is there a way to report bugs that I find?
  • Mailing list: Is there an active mailing list for support, announcements, etc?
  • Chat: Is there a way to talk to other people in the community directly?

What is this list?

This is the top 20 active projects distributions according to in the past 12 months.

Things that I learned:

Only well-funded corporate sponsored Linux distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE) have all categories checked. That doesn’t mean that anyone is getting paid. I believe this means that employees are probably the chief contributors and that means there are more people putting in resources to help.

Some distributions are “Pat’s distribution”. Pat’s group owns it and Pat doesn’t want a steering committee or any other say in how the distro works. Though contributions by means of bug reports may be accepted.

A few distributions “outsource” resources to other distributions. Elementary allows Stack Exchange to provide their forum. Parrot Linux refers users to the Debian wiki. Mint suggests that you put in bug reports with the upstream provider unless it is a specific Mint create application.

There are a few Linux distributions that leave me scratching my head. How is this in the top 20 distros on distrowatch? There’s nothing here and the forum, if there is one, is nearly empty. Who uses this?

What do you want from an open source project?

Do you want to donate your time, make friends, and really help make a Linux distribution grow? Look at Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, or Arch. These communities have ways to help you make this happen.

Do you want to just install a free OS on your machine and not worry about what goes into it until something breaks? Check out a Linux distribution with an active and friendly support community. Sometimes the more avenues the better. Sometimes you only need one really good and helpful forum.

Suggestions for distro owners:

Explicitly declare on your website what you want from the people who use your distribution and how they can help! Maybe you just need funding so you can quit your day job and do this full time.  Maybe you really need well written bug reports and testers. Say so and help them help you!

Did I miss something? Did I say that you have no chat but you have a thriving community on IRC? Then let me know and I will update this blog post! Also, make sure that it is visible on your page and not hidden away.

Email Consolidation

I’ve got too many email addresses.

I have:

  • 2 for work
  • 1 alias for
  • 1 paid account with protonmail with 5 addresses shared in that account
  • 1 very old gmail account (I signed up the first day I heard about it).
  • 1 seznam account (Czech provider)
  • 1 installation of mail-in-a-box with 4 domains that I own but only one real account that I use
  • 1 account (this is a mistake and a disappointment)

The goal is to change all of the services, mailing lists, etc that I use to point to a single email account either directly or through aliases so that all of my email is in one place with the exception of my work email which should always stay separate. Also, to get people to only email me at the one account.

to be continued…